Yesterday for the whole evening I could not get access to the internet. It's was ok in the afternoon and when I came back from my dinner, everything went wrong. It kept on stating that the computer was connected to an unidentified network and it was unsecured. This was the first time I encountered it. I did not know what should I do. Went to the hall office. Forgotten that it would close at 5 pm. Asked around. My friends from hall 2 said that the line was perfectly ok, nothing wrong. Nervously, I asked another friend from my hall. She said she was out for dinner and the line was ok. Seeing all these make me anxious. Feeling so helpless.

I tried to sign in the windows live messenger to check what was wrong with the internet connection. It stated that the defalut gateway was offline. What causes the default gateway to be offline? There are a few possibilities. One is the network admin has blocked the connections to the internet and the other one is the router is busy or switched off. I thought why would the network admin block my access to the internet? So it will not be the possibility why couldn't I get access to the internet. 99% of the answer will be the router is busy or was accidentally being switched off by the hall officer.

Finally, my friend sms me that her friend could not get access to the internet. 'Fuh' was my expression. It means that I'm not the one who was having this problem. But the weird thing is why the others from the same hall as me can get access to the internet while some cannot? Funny...

Anyway, the line is stable now.


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Ok, this is my life. So i'm blogging about my life, everything around me, scenery, places, events, friends, family, everything. So, hang on there, I will update my blog very often. Should I have nothing to blog about, I will blog about songs, lyrics especially.

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